Below are some of my favourite free online design resources that I’ve discovered over my career that I use regularly, especially for agile design. I’ve put them here hoping that you’ll get the same utility from them as I have.
Material Design Icons
Community-powered icons to match Google’s material design guidelines, advanced export options available.
Font Awesome
Easily embed vector icons in-line on a webpage, great for social media icons.
If all else fails. Emojipedia has every emoji across all popular devices, useful for email marketing where html/css may not be supported.
Material Design Colors
The best material design color palette picker I’ve come across, also features fluent UI colours, flat UI colours, social colours, and more.
Easily preview and copy gradient hex values. Combine a gradient from here and an icon from https://materialdesignicons.com/ for a fast app icon or logo.
Stock Photos
High quality and completely free (for noncommercial or commercial purposes) stock photos.
See above.
Excellent site for finding typefaces by license type (100% free, shareware, personal use, etc). Tip: use the ⬅️ & ➡️ arrow keys to navigate.
Other Stuff
Google Poly
Googles solution to making AR and VR easier to develop for by providing community-driven 3D objects. Developer portal recently released at https://developers.google.com/poly/. Amazing potential, will probably be discontinued.
Social Media Image Sizes
An always up-to-date guide to social media image sizes.
Monthly Freebies from Envato
A selection of free assets every month from Envato.
More Monthly Freebies from Envato?
A selection of more free assets every month from Envato via ThemeForest… I don’t really get it either.